As Changing Lives Together moves from an extensive, year-long planning process into the first wave of parishes setting their pastoral priorities, I am deeply appreciative of, and humbled by, the faith, tenacity, and energy brought to this initiative by those now engaged in the process – our pastors, lay leaders, parishioners, Archdiocesan staff, and consultants. They embody Christ’s transforming love through their daily commitment and leadership.
This renewed sense of mission and stewardship is a cornerstone of Changing Lives Together. Each of us will utilize a unique combination of our Lord’s gifts to us in time, talent, and treasure to help achieve our parish and Archdiocesan priorities. It is in each of us prayerfully discerning our personal priorities with God and Church first among them that we begin fulfilling the hope embodied in this transforming initiative.
This is an exciting time for every Catholic in the Archdiocese of Detroit. From great adversity, we will emerge with stronger parishes and Catholic schools as well as priests and lay leaders benefiting as never before from new educational, training, and spiritual support. Years from now we will reflect upon our work with quiet pride in having been good stewards of God’s many gifts.
Together, we are now sowing the seeds. Together, we will reap the harvest. And together, we will rejoice in all that the Lord has accomplished through our sacrificial efforts in returning to Him that which is His.
Asking God’s blessings upon all those involved in Changing Lives Together and their loved ones, and entrusting our common service to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and St. Joseph, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit Changing Lives Together