Kroger sent great news along with their most recent dividends check to us. As of March 22, there will be no need for those already enrolled in the Kroger Rewards Program to reenroll their Kroger Rewards Plus Card for the 2017-2018 dividend rewards year. It’s great news for us, and for those who faithfully reenroll marking St. Lucy Catholic Church as their awards recipient will continue to benefit S.t Lucy at the same level as in the past year.
Kroger is working on some technology changes and enhancements to make the Rewards Program more user friendly to all Kroger customers and supporters.
If you’ve already tried to reenroll don’t worry. Your rewards will continue to accumulate just as before and will benefit us.
If you have never enrolled or wish to change your awards recipient to St. Lucy now is the perfect time to do so. Simply complete the form that appears from time to time in the Lucylight, and return it to the Parish Offices by way of the Sunday collection or U.S. Mail, or drop it off in the office during regular business hours. New members can join the Kroger Rewards Program at any time throughout the year.
If you’re not sure of your present status in the program, simply let us know in the office. We can check for you, and also assist you in entering the necessary data on line so that your information and any changes are current with Kroger, and your rewards will continue to benefit St. Lucy.
Thank you for supporting St. Lucy's through the Kroger Rewards Program.